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Attention nerds (that's most of you

Attention nerds (that's most of you who follow me)! If you'll be at the meeting this week in beautiful Ojai, let's meet. I'll buy you overpriced coffee, and you can even hear me speak on Thursday about design and healthcare.

- Gentype: Google startet neuen KI-Bildgenerator fr Buchstaben ntzlich fr schicke Grubotschaften -

aem1k A showcase of JavaScript hacks and creative codings

Left overs (found in St Edwards Catholic School on urbex before demolition) Someone had a photo shoot there and left these polaroid remnants behind

D - E - C - D - E - C - D - E - C - D - E - C - D - E - C

Great Field Fun with the Golden Retrievers yesterday.

Fake Documents Online

Fun doodle cat, with a fun name, ha. Kitty Cat Patty Whack, here:

"Summer Dreams"

The perfect framed print for your home, camp or office available at:

Several boys in a rowboat, no doubt on a special adventure that will live on in their memories, for years to come.

Turbo Trails
Zooming on slimy
trails, with colors vibrant, bold
Speedy snail prevails.

Ich bin viel jnger als mein Krper. Viel verrckter als ich alt bin!
Viel lieber als viele meinen und viel frhlicher als ich manchmal gucke!

) from 4 daily Targets ) from 4 daily Targets ) from 4 daily Targets ) from 4 daily Targets

In 1947, an Ohio family made a road trip to visit California ... and brought a 16mm camera along with them

my sweetie took me to a sushi place for my birthday dinner. the table across from us had a little girl wearing wellies that were covered in glitter. (sorry , I called her a glitter kitten)

turns out it was her birthday too. shes 4 now. shes a real cutie and slightly shy. didnt quite know what to think about this goofy old man, but we wished each other happy birthday and went our separate ways with smiles.

Emerging Scholar & Paris paperback, released January 2024.

So, ich such' mir jetzt jemanden, der mich huckepack zu meinem Schlafplatz trgt...
Gute Nacht und schlaft gut!

A recent trip to the park where I spotted some thistle. I took a few quick snaps. When I got home and looked closer, there were eyes staring back at me. :)


Orchid Bunny to start your day:

Badge: Source:

Most of these parents don't let their kids play outside, there's no family meal time, while meals consist of processed carbs and sugar. Seeing these neglected children broke my heart more each day.

We went fishing with our friend last evening. It's been years but we're definitely going to go more often! We really missed it & I'm happy we all caught some fish

We went fishing with our friend last evening. It's been years but we're definitely going to go more often! We really missed it & I'm happy we all caught some fish

Wenn lle Schdrick reissat... warsch z'dick fir'd Schaukl . - - -

Meemo's relaxing

For I give you "me on mastodon" preparing to post my previous post.

You can is you wish, I post lots of photos of my nomadic life, I travel on a motorcycle, currently in Mexico.

Szczere marki billboard Biedronki

Prawda w oczy kole, mwi przysowie. Teraz najwidoczniej zakuo Biedronk, ktrej nie spodoba si projekt Szczere marki - gdyby tylko firmy mwiy prawd autorstwa Jakuba Biela. Przedstawi on fikcyjne slogany reklamowe nawizujce zarwno do dziaalnoci popularnych marek, jak i ich stereotypowych przywar. O co poszo Ano o tak nie


Are you in the mood for something different Look at the new themes for Kubuntu Focus on 224.04 LTS Noble Numbat!

Find our theme guide here:

Update Cherry Blossom Creek

49 and combatting Sarcopenia (muscle loss associated with aging)! Don't let age slow you down.

Did you know people who don't exercise can lose up to 85% of their muscle strength by 65

That's why I love the free, public Fitness Court! It's accessible to all ages and abilities, and it's a great way to get some sun, fun, sweat, and even make new friends!

Whether you bike, walk, or wheel, there's an exercise for you!

Heres another AI generated song for you all, although I always input my own lyrics, I never have the AI do it because I want the song to be genuine. Feel free to repost this if you guys want.

on the use of in times of the

A little fun about kanjis.
Do you know why 80 years old is the 'umbrella' age (), 88 years old the 'rice' age (), 99 years old the 'white' age ()
Cause if you pack the kanjis together it looks like , , minus

) from 4 daily Targets ) from 4 daily Targets ) from 4 daily Targets ) from 4 daily Targets


> Why have simplicity when you can have complexity disguised as efficiency

hibiscus in bloom
colorful tropical nights
paradise is found!


fully wild flowers
growing in Nature's garden
no need to weed them


HotPotAI (Anime Generator) DeepAIOrg (Video) Girls on the Beach (Summer Fun)

Jessica Rabbit and Baseball Bliss Basting in the Sun
My Birthday Adventure

Monday Is Crap