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I don't understand people who are

I don't understand people who are buying 1 roll of toilet paper. Are they trying to quit

"Personal website manifestos"

Lavender Fields 4ever!

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Workout Motivation

In Tai Chi Chuan we call it Fa Jin. In essence its generating, guiding power throughout the body.

Video shows rockSTARS ages 65-95 from my strength class at the Malden Senior Center practicing Fa Jin for the first time with a standing heavy bag, all without losing balance!

This drill develops core stability, mind-body connection, reaction time, strength , fall prevention and


There many variations to accommodate all levels of

Start the day with a !

Just updated my blog with some nicer visuals and a simple tagging system! Next up for the page is writing some javascript that allows you to click a tag to filter the displayed posts. I think that's all I really need for this frontend.

Sunday: A simple shell script and lots of generating git commits.

Weekly branches and a little commit helper make writing a blog a breeze*.

*At least for me.

How I got RGB Lighting Working on my Corsair Keyboard , ,

TinyCode A collection of mind-blowing JavaScript miniatures

- Quiz: Wie gut erkennst du Phishing-Mails Google will GMail-Nutzer auf gefhrliche E-Mails sensibilisieren -

Dzisiaj prezentacja kart i przewodnika The Deck of Many Things. Przypominamy, e w zestawie otrzymujemy:
- 66 unikatowych kart tarota,

- przewodnik w twardej oprawie do kart tarota w wiecie DnD wynoszcy a 80 stron.

Cao prezentuje wrcz magicznie.


I recently took a new selfie and I kept thinking..."I look like someone..." My mind went over many people, but I kept coming up blank. Then it hit me! Eddie from the Munsters....LOL

The doll got my husbands face...ha ha

It seems animates certain popular queries, for instance "crater+yucatan+dinosaur" gives this

Lesson learned... Don't buy ya shampoo from a discount store...

Recently published a new WeedPlay Sativa #2 word search puzzle for .90! You can play it with the link below.

A day on his boat with my mom, grandma and us. My mom got exited and so did he. Me too........

Which side will win, who you do you barrack for, Night or Day

(via )

Can I Make VR a Reasonable Minecraft Playstyle

Today's experiment :) ... I like to keep my brain active and give it work all the time, I think it's the strongest possible drug ...

The idea started from looking for a simple, minimalist solution through which I can add/delete/edit/change information from a template, starting from the fact that I already have Arrays with the configuration options, but a dynamic solution was missing, as simpler and without external php libraries!

Things are heating up here! A second in this series. Loving the warm orange colors of my Fire Water. Getting ready for Summer!


Happy , hope you day has been great. here is one of my older pieces, hope you enjoy:

Embrace your passions.

When your dad stumbles into the perfect career.

Link of the day:
Category: Fun LOL

If you mistype "", a surprise may await you. Be sure to check out the source code of that page for a chance of yet another surprise.

's oizige was i guat em Griff hob isch mai Bierglas.




Happy Caturday, hope you enjoy this sweet kitten named Curious Carmella!
Can be purchased here..

with a great short summary of :

Happy Saturday pals hope you all have some playtime and fun on a lovely weekend x x x x

The Deck od Many things to ostatnia pozycja jaka wpada w nasze rczki ze wiata Dungeons and Dragons. W zestawie dostajemy:

- 192 stronicow, przepiknie wydan ksig The Book of Many Things zainspirowan The Deck of Many Things,

- 66 unikatowych kart tarota,

- przewodnik w twardej oprawie do kart tarota w wiecie DnD wynoszcy a 80 stron.

Cao prezentuje si bajecznie, cena rwnie

PowerShell Games via PlanetPowerShell

Es gibt immer einen..

I do nut want to meet at a rest trout.

it's time to self-host some LLM's!
