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Treats on a Friday yummy yummy

Treats on a Friday yummy yummy have a wonderful day .

Let's celebrate life, peace, family, happiness, friends and love (and coffee, pizza and chocolate )!

Northeastern suburbia

Rollei 35 Kodak Gold 200

Zeiglers wunderbare Welt des Fussballs - der 25. Spieltag.
Mit Fritz und Ottmar

Feix Magaths Sohn ist Zug gefahren.

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Update Cherry Blossom Creek March 8th

Am Nackicha koh mr ned en d' Hosadasch langa.

Update Cherry Blossom Creek February 16th

Guten Morgen allerseits.
Ich brauche nochmals Kaffee...

(by twitterIrenaBuzarewicz)

What do you love MOST about her

Beach is calling! I think I'll answer. :)


Osaka Kobe Kyoto 2024 Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto 2024/02

One thing we learned during our episode of Auriga -- it's not a saturated market, so -- how would you use the Auriga brand!

Find out our Wished For proposals here:

Hope you enjoy this adorable chicken named Addie, she's quite a clucker!
Can be purchased here..

"OK Spam-Master, how did you get my email address"

Dance Away Fitness!

Meanwhile on the Neptune 3 Plus, the beginning of a 48h print which also will become the first half of a case for a 4inch subwoofer.

Love this stuff and even more that this thing we be printed in transparent PETG

Building a subwoofer designed by HexiBase. I already printed a similar design last year but the sub was to small for the desired place. Now trying the double sub version It's so much fun to build, can't wait to try this thing

You forgot to recharge it.

When your cats distain for your outfit instantly crushes your self-esteem.

Tune in THIS SATURDAY at 9PM EST for WAWTC - Take a trip into R-R-R-Retro Video Game Music Land with ASTYANAX & FRENDZ! LISTEN HERE

My wife photographed a flower today that reminded her of a certain individual, so she emphasized that in the photo.

Ein Betrieb bereitet sich auf die Wrdigung seines 30jhrigen Bestehens vor. Sagt ein Abteilungsleiter zu seinen Leuten: berlegt mal, was wir veranstalten knnen. Natrlich darf es nichts kosten, zweitens mssen sich alle darber freuen, und drittens muss die Belegschaft noch Jahre davon reden. Meldet sich ein Mitarbeiter: Wie wrs, wenn der Chef aus dem Fenster springen wrde!

mehr auf

Mysterise Medizinr mid merkwrdige Methoda machat mid miese Medikament marode Menscha mausdod.

Asi nov konek nebo co Ne, e bych se pln nudila, ale asi toho jet nen v mch dnech dost...
Je to celkem dobr stress management, doporuuji vyzkouet
Natrnuju a jestli ta atestace nevyjde, vm, co budu dlat - vidme se na dtskch oslavch

Interesting Project.

Here is a piece of really colorful + fun made by Sunthorn, a local artist who shows his stuff at my friend Muai's studio + gallery msg me if interested! It's painted with oil paint on canvas

Here's some high-whoosh bottle thrusters.

Just did these earlier.

Friend or Foe

I'm in my late 50s, and a few months ago, I started a new hobby, archery. Today, I finally seemed to get the hang of aiming.

(Or I was just really lucky that round. )

When you swear that this is your last IKEA purchase EVER.

Congratulations, Dad.

"I think I still don't understand what a P.O. does..."

The landings on the water are always on my back no matter it is a double or . Always a fail! Even with the wetsuit you can feel it, but fortunately the pain is reduced. The pain doesn't stop me to continue my training.


Exporter Fabric Finder